Jan’s Webinar – An Online Training Course to get you Top Rankings and More Business

Businesses have had their sales transformed by getting high rankings on search engines, here’s your opportunity to do the same.

Who is the Webinar for?

Its for you if….

– You want to get new profitable business through the web
– You are happy to commit some time to learning the ‘best practice’ process and the latest web based tools and techniques.

What is a ‘Webinar’?

An online presentation delivered as it would be in a training environment – see a sample here … Webinar Sample

What does this webinar comprise?

5 x 12 minute presentations covering the following:-

Module 1 – Introduction & Finding Keyphrases
Module 2 – Auditing Your Site & Advanced Keyphrase Analysis
Module 3 – Optimising Our Web Pages
Module 4 – Developing Backlinks & Using Directories
Module 5 – Monitoring Our Performance & Fine Tuning

The modules cover all the latest web based tools and techniques to DIY your web optimisation to get you high rankings.

Free tools will be referenced for you in each of the modules.

Examples are shown so you know exactly what to do at each stage of the process.

You’ll be expected to do some work between each module applying what you have learned to your own web site.

How much does it cost?

Its free if you are a subscriber to Jan Klin’s (free) online newsletter (drop me an email jan@janklin.com putting SUBSCRIBE in the subject box and I’ll subscribe you).

Otherwise it costs £195 plus vat (If you dont increase your sales twenty fold you’ll get your money back!)

Are there any additional benefits to paying for the webinar?


1. You’ll get unlimited access to all the modules right away (rather than one per month)

2. You’ll get a comprehensive course ‘workbook’ to accompany the programme which will allow you to capture all your actions in a structured way and act as a complete blueprint for your optimisation.

– The workbook covers all the slides presented, detailed instructions on what to do and templates and checklist to capture your actions

– Also provided is an Excel spreadsheet on which to conduct your keyphrase analysis which automatically calulates KEIs.

– Details of some futher tools, case studies, strategies and techniques to out compete the fiercest competitors.

Please email me jan@janklin.com if you wish to order or if you need more information or call – 01928 788100.

I look forward to helping your succeed