Spotting Off-Page Negative SEO

By |December 20th, 2019|

If you honestly believe you have been a victim of Negative SEO then here are some checks you can make to see if it's true. Obviously, it's good SEO practice to make these checks anyway. [...]

Getting Ready for 2020

By |December 6th, 2019|

It's that time of year again... You're either busier than ever, Online Shops - we're talking to you. Or already winding down for the year, B2b... Either way, your SEO strategy is winding down for [...]

Negative SEO

By |November 17th, 2019|

Negative SEO – Has your website been hit? If you are not getting the rankings you think you should have there can be numerous reasons. Normally there are obvious reasons but when you have exhausted [...]

Common SEO Mistakes

By |September 25th, 2018|

There is obviously quite a lot to work with in SEO. However, there are some very obviously mistakes that we see over and over again... Oh and here they are: HTTPS We have to start [...]

Move From HTTP to HTTPS

By |August 7th, 2018|

It has now become obvious that all websites should move from HTTP to HTTPS, especially now that Google Chrome has started delivering warnings within the browser when visiting unsecured websites. Whilst most of the work [...]

Chrome Warning – HTTPS

By |July 25th, 2018|

For quite a few years now Google has been on a mission to help make the web a safer place. A large part of this has been to push website owners to secure their websites. [...]

Working with the right CMS

By |June 28th, 2018|

It’s important that however you decide to build or add content to your website, you first consider the software you use. Nowadays this is normally done via a Content Management System (CMS). This is simply [...]

25th May……GDPR looming large!

By |March 26th, 2018|

Are you, and your business, GDPR Ready?    If not fully aware of what it is, I’m sure that you will have heard of the imminent GDPR legislation and you may well be wondering what [...]

What to expect in the world of SEO in 2018

By |February 14th, 2018|

It’s that time of year again, whereby we take a look at how we expect the search industry to play out in 2018, and how not to get left behind.... Google SERPs and the continued [...]

Working with the right CMS

By |February 6th, 2018|

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your existing content management system (CMS) or you’re a first time shopper, there are many platforms to choose from and what's right for someone else may not suit your specific [...]

Register With BING

By |January 23rd, 2018|

The first step is to see if your website is on BING. The obvious way to do this is to search for your website on BING. However, we recommend seeing how many pages you have [...]

2017 – The Year in Review

By |January 18th, 2018|

As we enter 2018, we’ll have a brief look back on some of the main stories in the world of Search from the past 12 months, many of which we covered in our blog posts..... [...]

Register with Google Console

By |January 17th, 2018|

What is Google Console Google Search Console used to be called Google Webmaster Tools. It has been an essential part of the Online Marketing toolkit for a considerable amount of time and became considerably more [...]

How To Setup Google Analytics

By |January 10th, 2018|

When it comes to SEO, Google Analytics is a necessity.  By adding Google Analytics to your website you will gain considerable insight into the visitors to, and performance of, your website.  In a later lesson [...]

SEO Basics – 2018 SEO Checklist

By |January 4th, 2018|

Over the next few months we will be building up a completely new set of lessons. There will be a lot more lessons than we have produced in the past, and we will be breaking [...]

Optimising Pages for Featured Snippets

By |December 12th, 2017|

Recently we wrote a post about what “featured snippets” are, and who can get them. This post that follows on from that to show you how to optimise your website for featured snippets. If you [...]

The Importance of Keyword Analysis

By |November 14th, 2017|

Keyword Analysis, or what we have called Keyphrase Analysis for years is an extremely important part of SEO. It's always the second stage of Analysis for us when we first work on a website. The [...]

Google Search Console – An invaluable resource

By |August 30th, 2017|

Google Search Console may sound like a new tool to some people, but is actually the re-branding of the web-service formerly known as Google Webmaster tools, which took place in May 2015. The reasoning behind [...]

Search Engine News July 2017

By |July 13th, 2017|

As we enter the second half of 2017, we take a look back at some of the prevalent talking points in the world of SEO over the past month. THAT fine for Google… Last month [...]

Interview with an E-commerce company

By |July 11th, 2017|

Online shops can be extremely competitive. For this reason, this weeks interview is with a company that would prefer to be unnamed to ensure that their competitors can't find out who they work with for [...]

Interview with Heskins

By |July 4th, 2017|

It's always good to see how internet marketing affects different companies and industries. Here is an interview with the Marketing Manager of Heskins. How would you describe your company and its mission? Heskins are a [...]

When a low bounce rate isn’t good

By |June 27th, 2017|

We have encountered this problem too frequently over the last few months not to write about it. Here are a couple of fixes to a frustrating problem: Seriously Low Bounce Rate Initially this looks fantastic. "Wow, my bounce [...]

Interview with Everything Dinosaur

By |June 22nd, 2017|

It's always good to see how internet marketing affects different companies and industries. Here is an interview with owner of Everything Dinosaur. How would you describe your company and its mission? Everything Dinosaur is a [...]

Interview with Mantracourt

By |June 9th, 2017|

It's always good to see how internet marketing affects different companies and industries. Here is an interview with the Marketing Manager at Mantracourt Electronics. How would you describe your company and its mission? Back in [...]